WASHINGTON Ahead of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejads intended visit to the U.S. to address a United Nations conference on nuclear non-proliferation next week U.S.

Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) led a group of Senators in a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to deny his request and bar his entry. The letter states:
This is preposterous and allowing it to happen will make a mockery of the effort to stop the spread of nuclear weapons to rogue states and terrorist groups. There is simply no compelling reason for Ahmadinejad to be allowed to enter the United States."
As such the U.S. Government has the legal authority to deny Ahmadinejads request and bar his entryeven if he is transiting only to the United Nations. We ask that you exercise that authority."
In Senator Cornyns letter also signed by Senators John Barrasso (R-WY) James Inhofe (R-OK) David Vitter (R-LA) John Ensign (R-NV) Richard Burr (R-NC) Bob Bennett (R-UT) Sam Brownback (R-KS) Johnny Isakson (R-GA) James Risch (R-ID) Jon Kyl (R-AZ) Roger Wicker (R-MS) George LeMieux (R-FL) and Jim DeMint (R-SC) the Senators highlight several important concerns regarding Iran and its leaders including a recent State Department report Country Reports on Terrorism which states that Iran is the most significant state sponsor of terrorism" in the world having long employed terrorism to advance its key national security and foreign policy interests." The full text of the letter to Secretary Clinton is below:
The Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington DC 20520
Dear Secretary Clinton:
It is our understanding that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is seeking authorization to enter the United States next week to address a United Nations conference on nuclear non-proliferation efforts. Obama Administration officials in the State Department have reportedly indicated that Ahmadinejads request will likely be granted. This is preposterous and allowing it to happen will make a mockery of the effort to stop the spread of nuclear weapons to rogue states and terrorist groups. There is simply no compelling reason for Ahmadinejad to be allowed to enter the United States.
As you know Iran remains a U.S.-designated state sponsor of international terrorism" under federal law based on its support for acts of international terrorism. Pursuant to section 306 of the Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act of 2002 P.L. 107-173 (8 U.S.C. § 1735) your Department can deny a nonimmigrant visa to any alien from a country that is so designated regardless of that aliens official status. As such the U.S. Government has the legal authority to deny Ahmadinejads request and bar his entry even if he is transiting only to the United Nations (See 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(C); 1182(d)(8); (f) and (3)(A) thru (C)). We ask that you exercise that authority. Alternatively if you insist on allowing Ahmadinejad to enter the country we request that you severely restrict his movement limiting it to the United Nations Headquarters District.
According to your agencys most recent Country Reports on Terrorism (April 2009) Iran is in fact the most significant state sponsor of terrorism" in the world having long employed terrorism to advance its key national security and foreign policy interests which include regime survival regional dominance opposition to Arab-Israeli peace and countering western influence particularly in the Middle East." Your report specifically indicates that Iran continues to hinder the Middle East peace process by using the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (ISGC) to arm train and fund militants and terrorist organizations including Hamas Lebanese Hizballah and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Moreover the report suggests that Iran and its leaders have directly contributed to the deaths of Americans. It states that Irans ISGC cultivates and supports certain Iraqi Shia militant groups that target U.S. Iraqi and Coalition forces. Iran has also supplied weapons and training to Taliban members in Afghanistan threatening both Afghan and NATO troops and undermining our efforts in that country. These actions have certainly increased the number of deaths of American combat troops in these theaters of conflict.
In addition as both the UN and the U.S. Congress consider the imposition of additional sanctions against Iransanctions that you have said should be crippling"Iran defying all warnings from the international community continues to pursue the acquisition of nuclear weapons. As President Obama recognized when Iran revealed its second uranium enrichment facility near Qom last year the size and configuration of this facility is inconsistent with a peaceful program." Further Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair testified to Congress on February 3 2010 that Iran is technically capable of producing enough highly enriched uranium for a weapon in the next few years." President Ahmadinejads motivations to acquire these weapons of mass destruction could not be more apparent as he unequivocally stated on October 26 2005 to those who doubt to those who ask is it possible or those who do not believe I say accomplishment of a world without America and Israel is both possible and feasible."
As UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon recently told reporters he is unaware of any concrete ideas" that President Ahmadinejad plans to unveil before the UN. President Ahmadinjehad has been given ample time and opportunity to prove to the world that he is not developing nuclear weapons. Iran under President Ahmadinejads leadership has a documented history of threatening the interests and security of the United States and our allies. Allowing Ahmadinejad to enter the United States would serve only to grant this man a symbolic stage from which to spew his rhetoric against our nation and our allies in the global war on terror.
As head of the State Department the official agency with responsibility over visa issuance we strongly urge you based upon the statutory authorities and facts outlined in this letter to deny Ahmadinejad entry into the United States. Thank you for your prompt consideration of our request.
John Cornyn United States Senator
John Barrasso United States Senator
James Inhofe United States Senator
David Vitter United States Senator
John Ensign United States Senator
Richard Burr United States Senator
Bob Bennett United States Senator
Sam Brownback United States Senator
Johnny Isakson United States Senator
James E. Risch United States Senator
Jon Kyl United States Senator
Roger Wicker United States Senator
George LeMieux United States Senator
Jim DeMint United States Senator