Hosts meeting with Southwest Council of Agribusiness to discuss Farm Bill various issues important to Texas farm and ranch community
Published: 10-25-07
Published: 10-25-07

Sen. Cornyn hosted members of the Southwest Council of Agribusiness in his Washington office to discuss the Farm Bill and other issues important to the Texas farm ranch and agriculture community. The meeting comes as the Senate Agriculture Committee debates the bill which is expected to be sent to the full Senate for consideration in the coming days.
“I’m encouraged to see the process to reauthorize the Farm Bill moving forward. This is good news for Texas” Sen. Cornyn said. “Farmers and ranchers in Texas need a clear policy in place to help them make informed decisions about their work in the coming year. In discussions throughout the state members of the Texas agriculture community tell me they are generally pleased with the current policy so we should keep as much of it in place as possible.”
The Southwest Council of Agribusiness is an alliance of nearly 50 farm and ranch organizations implement dealers bankers farm credit associations and other main street businesses in and around Texas. The group was formed to advocate maintenance of a strong U.S. farm policy which is critically important to rural communities.
In attendance for the meeting were SWCA leaders including Vice President Dee Vaughn of Dumas and Secretary/Treasurer Steve Verett of Lubbock. Also in attendance were SWCA board members L.G. Raun of El Campo and Matt Huie of Beeville; and former Congressman Larry Combest.
As part of his ongoing efforts to best address the needs of the Texas farm and ranch community Sen. Cornyn has held roundtables with leaders of the Texas agriculture community meets regularly with members from across the state and has participated in the Texas Farm Bureau’s annual convention.
Note: For a high-resolution color photo of Sen. Cornyn’s meeting with members of the Southwest Council of Agribusiness contact John Drogin at or 202-224-0703.
Sen. Cornyn serves on the Armed Services Judiciary and Budget Committees. In addition he is Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Ethics. He serves as the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee’s Immigration Border Security and Refugees subcommittee and the Armed Services Committee’s Airland subcommittee.