Senator Attempts to Prevent Harming Recent Military Progress & Placing 100000 Civilian Jobs at Risk
Published 12-11-07
Published 12-11-07

Sen. Cornyn’s effort was blocked by the majority party further threatening to undo recent military progress in Iraq and placing more than 100000 civilian defense jobs at risk here at home.
The Army Times reported yesterday that the Department of Defense is sending notices this week to approximately 100000 civilian employees warning them of future layoffs unless Congress approves emergency funding.
“I’m disappointed by the decision to block the emergency funding for our troops in Iraq” Sen. Cornyn said on the Senate floor this morning. “This is the material support we can provide to show our troops that we are behind them regardless of our differences on the war. Unfortunately we see time and time again how this Congress egged on by special interest groups like has been willing to use our troops as part of the political debate.”
“Reports are appearing daily in newspapers and in the electronic media showing that violent attacks continue to decline in Iraq. Reports show that people not only feel safer but they are safer....Secretary of Defense Gates said that deaths of Iraqis are down 60 percent. He said that the progress is real but also fragile. Why in the world given this progress would those on the other side of the aisle deny the funding that the troops need?” Sen. Cornyn asked.
“I’m discouraged and disappointed our colleagues have blocked this emergency funding for our troops putting Department of Defense employees in doubt about whether they will have a job in February and causing our troops to question our commitment to support them during a time of war. That is not the message this Senate ought to be sending” Sen. Cornyn concluded.
Sen. Cornyn serves on the Armed Services Judiciary and Budget Committee and is Vice Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference & the Senate Select Committee on Ethics. He serves as the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee’s Immigration Border Security and Refugees subcommittee and the Armed Services Committee’s Airland subcommittee. He served previously as Texas Attorney General Texas Supreme Court Justice and Bexar County District Judge.