Cornyn: Senate Missed Opportunity to Bar Felons from Immigration Benefits

Senate narrowly defeats Cornyn’s effort to bar all felons including terrorist associates gang members sex offenders from legalization
Published: 06-07-07

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. John Cornyn the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee’s Immigration Border Security and Citizenship subcommittee made the following statement Wednesday regarding the Senate’s vote to keep in place loopholes in the proposed immigration bill which would allow a range of felons to pursue a path to legalization and ultimately U.S. Citizenship. 
The Senate today narrowly defeated by a vote of 51 to 46 an amendment offered by Senator Cornyn which would have permanently barred all convicted felons – including terrorist associates gang members sex offenders violent criminals and identity thieves – from receiving any immigration benefits.

“Today’s vote was a missed opportunity to close serious loopholes in this legislation.  Senators could have demonstrated they want to restore respect for our laws.  They failed to do so.

“If we are serious about restoring the rule of law then how in good conscience can we reward those who have repeatedly committed felonies such as identity theft with a path to American citizenship?  In our post 9/11 world how can we in good conscience retain a loophole that would allow members of terrorist organizations and gang members to stay here legally and possibly become U.S. citizens?  

My amendment made clear that those loopholes would be closed and that would be impossible. I can’t imagine the American people support providing these benefits to people who so clearly have shown themselves unworthy of receiving them. 

“This vote was disappointing but it does not weaken my resolve to continue working to improve this bill in the days ahead.  There are still a range of areas that need to be reformed and strengthened in this legislation.   I hope my Democrat colleagues will allow the Senate to have a full and fair debate.”

Audio of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks following the vote:
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