Cornyn Statement in Support of SCHIP Reauthorization

Seeks Responsible Bipartisan Bill That Can Be Signed Into Law Immediately

Published: 09-27-07

WASHINGTON DC -- U.S. Sen. John Cornyn made the following statement today regarding the importance of reauthorizing the State Children’s Health Insurance Fund (SCHIP) in a way that protects low-income children and access to quality health care:

“By any standard SCHIP has been a remarkable success and helped millions of low-income children receive health care they otherwise would go without.  I strongly believe it should be renewed and even expanded. 
“The question before the Congress however is whether we expand SCHIP responsibly in a way that protects low-income children and protects access to quality health care or whether we open the door to socialized health care that will degrade the quality of care and raises taxes on working families. 

“I’m afraid that some of my colleagues have forgotten the original intent of SCHIP—to help children in low-income families not adults who are living well above the poverty level.  By seeking to increase spending on SCHIP by some 300 percent the majority proposal expands the program to include parents single adults and families earning over $80000.  What’s worse this new money comes from a massive tax increase that hits the lowest income individuals the hardest.  

“In July I voted for a renewal bill called Kids First that provided a $10 billion increase in funding to $35 billion over five years and would enroll an additional 1.3 million children.   But the Congressional majority rejected that plan as too miserly. Only in Washington D.C. could a 40 percent increase in funding be considered a ‘cut.’ 

“Unfortunately despite falling short of the votes needed to override a veto the House last night passed a bill that represents an unprecedented expansion of Washington-controlled health care and would actually mean less money for responsible states like Texas.  It would take future SCHIP surpluses away from Texas and give it instead to states that have chosen to extend their SCHIP funding to people who should not qualify.  There’s no doubt the Kids First alternative would be better for Texas.

“As the majority-sponsored irresponsible bill comes before the Senate this week I will continue to oppose any proposal that would harm my state and raise taxes on Texas families.  We must reauthorize SCHIP but we must craft a responsible bipartisan bill that can be signed into law immediately.”

Sen. Cornyn serves on the Armed Services Judiciary and Budget Committees. In addition he is Vice Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference and the Senate Select Committee on Ethics. He serves as the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee’s Immigration Border Security and Refugees subcommittee and the Armed Services Committee’s Airland subcommittee.
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