Published: 02-05-08

“Now that the President has proposed his annual budget blueprint the hard work begins in Congress to make sure we fund our priorities while holding the line on spending. The American people are increasingly tired of runaway government spending. I will continue to push for increased transparency so taxpayers can see where and how their money is being spent.
“The President is again calling upon Congress to resist the urge to raise taxes on American families and small businesses. Unfortunately that is exactly what will happen if Congress allows the tax relief passed in 2001 and 2003 to expire.
“Like every hard-working American family the federal government has to live within a budget as well. As a member of the Budget Committee I’ll do all I can to ensure Congress sets the necessary funding levels for critical areas such as national defense and border security. These are non-negotiable items that we cannot compromise on.
“The President’s budget is an important starting point for debate on a range of key issues facing our nation. It is my hope that Democrats and Republicans can work together in the weeks ahead to address them and do what’s right for the American people.”