Cornyn Statement on Todays Border Patrol Agent Prosecution Hearing

Published: 07-18-07
WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. John Cornyn Ranking Member of the Immigration Border Security and Citizenship subcommittee made the following statement after the conclusion of today’s  hearing by the Senate Judiciary Committee which examined the  prosecution of former Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean.”

“The American people deserve and demand confidence in our country’s justice system.  That confidence is weakened when legitimate questions are raised surrounding the prosecution and decade-long prison sentences of two border patrol agents with immunity granted to an admitted drug smuggler.
“I am deeply concerned with some of the information that came to light at today’s Committee hearing today.  Among other things it would appear that the government allowed this drug dealer to violate the terms of his immunity agreement with impunity.  Further it would appear that this drug dealer was allowed to commit perjury with impunity. 

I would also note that several jurors have since come forward to state that evidence which they were prevented from hearing would have changed their verdict.  I have serious concerns with the government’s decision to suppress certain information from this jury.  Finally I am perhaps most concerned with the very excessive prison terms that were handed down to these two individuals. 

“Agents Ramos and Compean were on the front lines; their duty was to enforce our immigration laws and protect this nation.  The prosecutors had a duty to dispense equal justice under the law.  It seems to me an open question whether Agents Ramos and Compean were treated differently because of their status as law enforcement officers.   What I do know however is that if the Scooter Libby case is one which the President believes was excessive then I have a hard time understanding why these two individuals would not warrant a similar review.”


• On January 17 2007 Senator Cornyn sent a letter to Chairman Leahy stating in part “We have been working with Sen. Specter as the committee investigated this issue and I understand that the Justice Department believes all the facts have not come out on this prosecution and would welcome the opportunity to explain its decisions. Specifically the committee should investigate the Department’s decision to grant immunity to the drug dealer in exchange for his testimony against the agents. I request a separate oversight hearing—and hope you will agree that this incident merits the committee’s prompt attention.”

• On April 19 2007 Senator Cornyn again raised this issue at a Judiciary Committee oversight hearing on the Justice Department stating in part “I know a hearing was scheduled and then it was postponed. And my hope is that it can be rescheduled and we can have that oversight hearing to make sure all of the facts get out not rumor innuendo and speculation but the facts so we can conduct our proper oversight responsibilities and the American people can be reassured of what the facts actually are.”
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