Published: 02-07-08

The Semper Fi Act would rescind any earmark funding in they fiscal year 2008 spending package that would have gone to Berkeley or any entity in the city—a total of more than $2 million—and transfer those funds to the Marine Corps to be used to recruit new Marines.
“The Berkeley City Council insulted our troops and offended people across the country. If the U.S. Marines are not good enough for Berkeley neither are taxpayer dollars Congress would have sent there this year. That city closed its doors on the same individuals taking bullets on the front lines while fighting for the safety and freedom of families in Berkeley and throughout America” Sen. Cornyn said.
“The Semper Fi Act sends a strong message of disapproval—backed by tangible consequences—to the Berkeley City Council. It also shows support for the Marines whose selfless sacrifice is worthy of our admiration. I encourage all my Senate colleagues to support this legislation.”
The Berkeley City Council passed a resolution in late January declaring that the U.S. Marine Corps “is not welcome in the city and if recruiters choose to stay they do so as uninvited and unwelcome intruders.” The Council went further by granting Code Pink an anti-war group special approval to non-violently “impede passively or actively” the work of the Marine Corps recruiters.