Cornyn: UAV Operations Start Along Texas-Mexico Border

Included: Cornyn statement in response to President Obamas address to the nation on the war in Iraq width=72Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON D.C. U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee today issued the following statement marking the start of Predator B drone flights along the Texas-Mexico border: This is a step in the right direction. If this Administration is serious about securing our southern border it will take further tangible steps to demonstrate that commitment to the men and women who live and work along the border. Texans have had it with speeches and empty promises we want immediate resources and attention to the growing security crisis along our southern border. I will continue to press the Department of Homeland Security to devote additional Predators to cover the Texas border and pursue additional ways to achieve real border security." Cornyn Statement in response to President Obamas address to the nation on the war in Iraq: President Obama is right to honor our troops who helped turn the tide of violence in Iraq during its darkest days. But its puzzling to listen to this White House try to take credit for the results of the strategy he and Vice President Biden adamantly opposed from the start. Our success in Iraq has everything to do with the hard work of our men and women in uniform the Iraqi people and President Bushs resolve. It has nothing to do with President Obamas campaign promise to carry out the previous administrations plan for returning US troops from Iraq."
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