Will travel to affected areas this weekend; Working with local officials
Published: 06-29-07
Published: 06-29-07

“My heart goes out to those who have lost so much in the devastating torrential rains and flooding in Texas this week. I’ll do everything possible in collaboration with local state and federal officials to try to relieve their problems and come to their assistance.
“Of course we’re still waiting on the federal disaster declaration for North Texas and other parts of the state that saw flooding in recent weeks. Sen. Hutchison and I have urged President Bush to expedite that request. I hope that declaration will be made very soon. In the most recent flooding in Central Texas in particular they’re still in full emergency response mode. But we’ll be working with Gov. Perry’s office and the White House to expedite the emergency disaster declaration so we get the assistance to those who need it as soon as possible.
“I look forward to visiting the affected areas this weekend particularly throughout Burnet County meeting with residents and talking with officials in the emergency operations centers and shelters. This morning I spoke with some of the local officials in the region including Burnet County Judge Donna Klaeger the Burnet County Emergency Operations Coordinator Ralph Hendrix and the Marble Falls Mayor’s office to see what I could do to help them. I also talked with FEMA Deputy Administrator Harvey Johnson and reiterated the importance of having them on full ready-to-go-status as soon as the presidential disaster declaration is prepared and approved. I also reached out to Gov. Perry’s office.
“In addition my office in Austin contacted Coca-Cola which sent two 18-wheelers full of water to aid the relief effort one of which is already in Marble Falls. Wal-Mart is also sending supplies. This will provide much-needed drinking water which Chief Hendrix told me is a major problem following collapse of the water infrastructure.”