County to Work with SBA to Offer Disaster Assistance

Published: 06-09-08

width=65INBURG — Beginning Tuesday the Hidalgo County Judge’s Office and Emergency Services Division will help residents connect with the U.S. Small Business Administration which will offer low-interest disaster loans to residents and businesses affected by the high winds that tore through neighborhoods near Alton on May 15 2008. The storm destroyed more than a dozen homes and damaged several others.

According to the SBA customer service representatives will be available beginning at 8 a.m. on Tuesday June 10 to issue loan applications answer questions about SBA’s disaster loan program explain the application process and help each individual complete their application.

The temporary “Disaster Loan Outreach Center” will be housed in the county’s old administration building at 100 E. Cano Street 1st Floor in Edinburg Texas (downstairs from the County Judge’s Office). The customer service representatives will be available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. until Thursday June 26.

Disaster loans of up to $200000 are available to homeowners to repair or replace their damaged or destroyed primary residence. Homeowners and renters are eligible for up to $40000 to repair or replace damaged or destroyed personal property. Business loans up to $1.5 million are available as well in addition to small business-oriented Economic Injury Disaster Loans according to SBA. 

Individuals and business owners unable to visit the outreach center may obtain information by calling (800) 659-2955 or by visiting SBA’s website at Hearing impaired individuals may contact (800) 877-8339. Local residents needing more information can also contact the County Judge’s Office at (956) 318-2600 to be connected to an on-site SBA official from June 10 to June 26.

The filing deadline to return applications for property damage is August 4 2008. The deadline to return economic injury applications is March 4 2009.

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