Published: 11-07-07

"Preventing our youth from dropping out of school not only saves the state money it also ensures that we have an educated and competitive workforce made up of self-reliant individuals" Speaker Craddick said. "Both of these members have a significant background in education issues that will serve this committee well and are well-acquainted with the student dropout problem that faces our state."
The Committee is an exemplary stay-in-school program that uses a case management model to prevent dropouts help students stay in school and successfully learn and prepare for life. The Committee works closely with the Texas Education Agency and the CIS State Office to provide guidance and to support the implementation and growth of the program statewide.
The Communities in Schools Advisory Committee includes nine members: three members appointed by each the governor the lt. governor and the speaker. A presiding officer is elected by the Committee. Rep. Crownover will be replacing Rep. Jerry Madden (R - Plano) and Rep. Dutton will be replacing former Rep. Martha Wong (R - Houston) both who have been serving on the Committee since 2003.