Published: 10-02-07

(AUSTIN) - Today Speaker Tom Craddick (R - Midland) announced the appointment of Reps. Ryan Guillen (D - Rio Grande City) and Susan King (R - Abilene) to the Chronic Kidney Disease Task Force which will develop recommendations for health care professionals and individuals about different ways to more aggressively treat chronic kidney disease.

"It is important that the Legislature do what it can to help find ways to improve treatment and increase prevention of chronic kidney disease" Speaker Craddick said. "This task force will present a unique opportunity for legislators to consult with physicians and other professionals on how best to address this issue."
Created by House Bill 1373 the task force will develop plans to educate health care professionals about advantages and methods of early screening diagnosis and treatment of chronic kidney disease and complications related to it. It will also create ways to educate health care professionals and individuals with the disease about advantages of end-stage renal disease modality education and early renal replacement therapy. Recommendations will be made on the implementation of a cost-effective plan for early screening diagnosis and treatment of chronic kidney disease.
The task force will include seventeen members: thirteen members ranging from physicians to representatives from the health care industry appointed by the governor two senators appointed by the lieutenant governor and two House members appointed by the speaker. The task force will report its recommendations by January 1 2009.