Crucial Week for Illegal Immigration Debate

By Bobby Eberle
Published: 5-15-07

This week the U.S. Senate begins debate on “comprehensive” immigration reform. Despite vocal public opposition to granting amnesty to those who entered this country illegally the White House continues to work with senators who favor exactly that course of action. We must let the Senate and White House know that this is not acceptable!

As I wrote last week the recent arrests in New Jersey show that illegal immigration is a real problem. The plot against the GIs at Fort Dix should serve as a wake-up call to everyone (as if the events of 9-11 were not a big enough wake-up call.)
Now the Senate begins debate on S. 1348 which is sponsored by Harry Reid (D-NV) and co-sponsored by the likes of Democrats Ted Kennedy and Pat Leahy. Even though debate will begin this week the text of the bill is still not publicly available for review which should be a signal to everyone that something bad is going on.

Our legislators need to be serious about illegal immigration reform. We have laws on the books that are routinely ignored. We frequently hear in the news about large-scale “arrests” of illegal aliens but the stories fail to report that many of those arrested are then given a court date released and are never heard from again.

America functions out of respect for the law and as long as illegal behavior is rewarded the behavior will continue. Mass amnesty was tried once before under Ronald Reagan in 1986. Leaders are quoted as saying that this time they are serious and with the new laws in place illegal immigration will be fixed.

Back then about 2 million illegal aliens were granted amnesty and the problem was fixed right? Now there are an estimated 12 million illegals in the country and Washington wants us all to do it again? Amnesty without real enforcement of existing laws and a serious effort to control the border only means that in another 20 years we will be right back in the same boat.

We must all do our part in these critical days to let the Senate and White House know that we want legislation that focuses on border security enforcement of existing illegal immigration and hiring laws and no amnesty! The voices of the American people are powerful when speaking together. Let’s do our part by contacting the Senate today!
Here’s how:

Click here to contact your U.S. Senators and tell them to secure our borders and enforce our laws.
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