It appears liberal Hispanics want to segregate Hispanics into their own districts rather than integrate them into Americas political process.
By George Rodriguez
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN Texas As the 82nd Session of the Texas state legislature comes to a close several conservative bills that were passed have caused anger & frustration among Hispanic or minority legislators.
Liberal Hispanic lawmakers claimed racism" every time they lost. Liberal state senator Leticia Van de Putte went so far as to say that Governor Perry and the conservative legislators had an anti-Hispanic agenda". Playing ethnic & racial politics seems to come easy to these liberal legislators.
While the federal government cant stop its reckless overspending Texas showed the nation that fiscal restraint and spending cuts are not just necessary but politically possible. The Texas model of low taxes small government and fiscal responsibility has resulted in our state leading the nation in job growth and economic performance.
However liberal Hispanic legislators screamed not to stop the spending and demanded the use of the states reserves.
They couldnt resist their habit of spending any money that is available. Of course when they didnt get their way they claimed racism.
Equally emotional were the liberal protests against cuts in education. It didnt matter that the education spending has grown faster than student enrollment as liberal Hispanic legislators claimed racism.
On the issue of re-districting liberal Hispanic legislators and LULAC have filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice. They argue the new state plan splits Hispanic communities so that conservative Anglos would be more likely to

win seats in Congress or packs Hispanics into other districts so that they cant influence other districts.
It appears liberal Hispanics want to segregate Hispanics into their own districts rather than to integrate them into the American political process.
Another issue that caused emotional distress for liberal Hispanics legislators was the Voter ID bill.
The new law requires the voter to present proper identification at the poll. However liberals claimed (with a straight face) that there were no instances of voter fraud in the Texas and that this law was aimed at discouraging Hispanics and other minorities from voting.
They ignored the long history of political bosses who have preyed on Hispanics in south Texas.
Perhaps the most contentious and emotional bill presented has been the Anti-Sanctuary Cities Bill. The bill says that local law enforcement can question the immigration status of anyone who is lawfully detained.
The bill also allows individual officers to check a persons immigration status under probable cause and reasonable suspicion.
Liberal Hispanic lawmakers have sown fear and doubt claiming that law enforcement officers
may interpret those terms differently and some
may go beyond the scope of what is allowed to target undocumented immigrants.
Thats two may" statements to arrive at possible" conclusion.
Liberal Hispanic lawmakers have preyed on the social insecurities of Hispanics to further their cause which is to be re-elected. These liberal Hispanics seem to

be having a political nervous breakdown as Texans refuse to be frightened by their allegations of racism" for everything they oppose.
Like the boy who cried wolf charging racism doesnt work anymore.
When these liberal Hispanic politicians have such a preoccupation with race we should also ask ourselves ... Who are the real racists?
George Rodriguez is President of the San Antonio Tea Party.