Polling Shows High Favorables Job Approval With D’s& R’s
Published: 12-10-07
Published: 12-10-07

Cuellar stated “I am very pleased with these polling results. Hard work is the trademark of both my DC and district offices so it is very rewarding to know that the voters take notice.”
Cuellar’s name identification is a solid 84 percent while he enjoys a 71 favorability rating with a clear majority (56 percent) supporting his re-election.
Cuellar pollster Andrew Myers of Myers Research and Strategic Services has served as the principal pollster for the Democratic Governor’s Association and the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee.
“Importantly Cuellar’s strong personal ratings cross partisan and racial lines and he receives solid personal reviews across the electorate” Myers noted.
In fact the polling results not only point to a huge lead among likely Democratic Primary voters but also point to very strong standing with self-identified Republicans. Cuellar earns a 69-degree mean thermometer rating with a majority (52 percent) giving him favorable ratings. Just 12 percent of them give him unfavorable ratings. His job approval among Republicans is solid (55 percent excellent/good.
Cuellar concluded “We are working hard for the district. It was reflected in this poll and I am confident it will be reflected at the polls in March and November of 2008.”