Dallas Business Journal
Published: 07-31-08
The Dallas-Fort Worth area is considered less-tax friendly to companies when compared with other major cities like Atlanta and Baltimore according to a study from tax advisory firm KPMG LLP.
In its latest research report New York-based KPMG set out to determine what cities have the most favorable tax structures in terms of benefiting and attracting businesses. According to the survey San Juan Puerto Rico ranks first followed by Baltimore and Atlanta.
Out of the 21 large U.S. cities evaluated the Dallas-Fort Worth area ranked 12th in business tax-friendliness.
The greater DFW area outshines cities like Houston (No. 13) Los Angeles (No. 15) and New York (No. 20) while still falling behind major players like Tampa Detroit Phoenix Minneapolis Washington D.C. Philadelphia and Boston.
“Cities across the United States recognize that attracting and retaining businesses of all sizes is important for a vibrant local economy” said Hartley Powell national leader of strategic relocation and expansion services at KPMG.
“As the survey results indicate certain cities are leaders in developing a tax environment that encourages business development and tax costs are a key consideration in the site selection process.”