Burleson Texas Darren Yancy revealed today that he is planning a run for the Texas Senate because incumbent Kip Averitt said that he intends to resign his senate seat on Wednesday March 17.
Governor Rick Perry will then be able to call a special election. An election could be held on the May uniform election date Saturday May 8.
The good citizens of our district including the 25000 voters who selected me in the recent Republican Primary are looking for a state senator who will protect our conservative values" said Darren Yancy.
Senate District 22 includes the counties of Bosque Coryell Ellis Falls Hill Hood Johnson McLennan Navarro and Somervell. Darren Yancy a devoted husband to wife Carol and loving father of four children Dane Zach Brenna and Gene is a life-long Texan with deep roots in state Senate District 22.