From State Senator Kirk Watson

Theres been a lot of speculation about my plans for the next election. Well Ive decided what Im going to do and I want to announce it to you all first.
I will run for re-election to the Texas Senate in 2010.
Countless conversations and a ton of consideration went into this decision. It comes down to two primary reasons.
First of all I really like serving in the Senate and representing the citizens of Travis County. Ive found a lot of success in the legislature and I believe my service there is tangibly helping Texas and its people. I have a strong role to play in building a legislative agenda that benefits everyday Texans and in solving the difficult budget and redistricting issues that promise to make the next session a painful and politicized one.
But more than that I sincerely enjoyed my oldest sons high school years because I was able to be active and present in his life. Our younger son begins high school this month. I want the two of us to share the same experience his older brother and I did and that simply wouldnt be as likely with me campaigning for and serving as Governor.
Despite those reasons this has been a very tough decision. Its hard in part because I believe I would win the race for Governor. Im excited and honored by the significant encouragement Ive received to run. Having seriously evaluated and analyzed such a race Im more convinced than ever that Texans want a change in the way our state government is working and not just in the Governors office but in other statewide offices and the legislature in general.
Texans are looking for balanced leadership that puts people ahead of the big insurance utility and private toll road corporations. They want true public servants who dont just play politics but instead lead by responsibly investing in the states future.
Make no mistake: I intend to campaign aggressively for re-election and help bring new badly needed statewide leadership into office. Im very proud that my party is working hard to win the trust of Texas voters and is ready to replace divisive partisanship with mainstream leadership.
I look forward to continuing my service in the Texas Senate. Thank you all for your support and encouragement as we work to embrace and prepare for Texas future.