Democrat Health Care Reform Plan Concerns Americans

National Poll Continues to Show Widespread Opposition as Final Legislative Push Advances

healthWASHINGTON D.C. The Center for Medicine in the Public Interest Advance (CMPI-A) in partnership with Pajamas Media released national survey data on Americans views of the proposed health care reform legislation before Congress.  The poll suggests that Americans oppose how the  health care bill is being passed and want more debate and a more democratic approach" said Dr. Robert Goldberg President of CMPI-A.   CMPI-A leads the national grassroots initiative Hands OFF My Health a campaign that seeks to raise public awareness and better inform Americans about the potential costs and consequences of government-run health care. The potential of House Democrats sending the Senate bill to the president without an up or down vote is clearly counter to public sentiment and in strong opposition to the meager support for the tax increases Medicare cuts and subsidies embedded in the reform bill. Not to mention there remains strong  public opposition to empowering government panels to set limits on future access to care and what kind of health plans the uninsured can have.  What Americans do support are proposals to buy plans that reward healthy behavior encourage saving and investing for future health needs and policies that reward future treatments and cures" said Goldberg    The CMPI-A/Pajamas Media poll demonstrates a high level of concern with the current Democrat health care proposal amongst Americans:
  • Six in ten Americans (60) agree that a current Democrat proposal to send the Senate health care bill to the President without voting up or down on it is unfair."  
  • Most Americans oppose (81) health care reforms that would doctorsincrease insurance premiums for healthy people to offset premiums of people who wait until they are diagnosed with an illness to purchase insurance.
  • Eight Americans in ten (81) oppose allowing the government to decide what kind of health care coverage Americans are able to purchase.
  • Most Americans (87) oppose having a government panel recommend or decide what medical procedures or medical advances your doctor or health plan can or cannot use.
  • More than eight Americans in ten (84) support reforms that would allow people to buy health insurance where it is the least expensive such as across state lines.
  • Three in four Americans (76) oppose healthcare reforms that would raise taxes and cut Medicare benefits to pay for health care subsidies for expanded coverage for those currently insured.
  • Eight Americans in ten (78) support health care reforms that would let people buy less costly health plans and save and invest for health care needs in the future on a tax-free basis.
  • Half of Americans (51) oppose healthcare reforms that would let people lock-in premiums by paying more for their insurance.
  • Most Americans (85) support healthcare reforms that would let people get lower premiums for getting or staying healthy.  
  • Eight Americans in ten (82) support the idea that more money should be invested in the development of cures for the most devastating diseases.
The national poll also found that Americans are split on whether they support or oppose increasing Medicare payroll taxes for the high wage earners (46 support 47 oppose) or reducing what doctors and hospitals are paid for their services (45 support 48 oppose).  Americans are also evenly split on whether or not they think it is credible that the new health care proposal will increase taxes and insurance healthinsureancepremiums for 73 million of Americans as estimated by the Joint Committee on Taxation (47 say this is credible 44 say it is not). Senate and House Democrats are poised to employ legislative maneuvers and procedural sleights of hand to advance their reform package but they should tread cautiously" said Goldberg.  A majority of Americans believe that more time for discussion on health care reform is needed and Congress should start over on a health care reform bill" Goldberg said. When asked directly about the process for passing the health care reform bill 65 percent of Americans prefer the usual process" to budget reconciliation and 60 percent believe it is unfair for House leadership to have the option to introduce a procedural rule that would deem" the Senate health care reform bill as being passed without actually voting on the legislation itself. To learn more about the Hands Off My Health campaign please visit  Additional information on the pitfalls of government-run health care including restricted patient choice inferior quality of care and stifling innovation please visit and Survey Methodology The findings reported in this release are from a weekly national telephone omnibus service from GfK Roper a division of GfK Custom Research North America. The survey was sponsored by the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest Advance in partnership with Pajamas Media. GfK Roper completed 1000 interviews with a nationally-representative sample of Americans ages 18 years old and over.  The interviews were conducted between March 12 and March 14 2010. The average margin of error for the total sample is ± 3 percentage points.  Sampling for this study was conducted using a national probability sample of all exchanges and area codes across the continental United States. All interviews were conducted using a computer assisted telephone interviewing system. Statistical weights were designed from United States Census Bureau statistics.
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