By David B. Rivkin Jr. & Lee A. Casey

The Washington Post says that the president has given up on moving detainees into U.S. except for trial. Not sure where they will then be housed.
Is this a loss for Obama? It depends on whether or not you believe he ever took seriously the idea that he could bring them into the U.S. This takes a good deal of credulity.

The fact is that the Bush administration chose
Guantanamo because as SECDEF
Rumsfeld has said it was the least worst place. The same logic will/has impelled the Obama administration to conclude that they cannot bring these individuals here both for political and legal reasons and they are now finding how few of the presidents friends in Europe are willing to take the detainees off our hands. This of course is uderstandable. Europe doesnt want them at least not in numbers for the same reasons that no sane or honest member of Congress wants the detainees housed in their state or district. No one in Washington especially the Democrat leadership ever really believed that these were innocent shepherds wrongly imprisoned that was just cynical politics all along.
Ultimately President Obama will have to continue the Bush policy of detention outside of the United States.
To read the rest of the story click HERE
*This story is from National Review Online