Diane Patrick Capitol Update

By Rep. Patrick
width=58With two weeks remaining in the Session the Legislature continues to address many pressing issues in long late night meetings. Passed unanimously in the House HB 4765 raises the Franchise Tax revenue exemptions for businesses from $300000 to $1000000. The bill provides relief to small business owners through a $170 million tax break over the next biennium. HB 3646 relating to School Funding passed last Tuesday. As a joint author I have worked throughout this Session to increase public school funding and accountability. The statewide increase of about $2 billion over the next two years is a step in the right direction to provide needed financial relief to Arlington Mansfield and other ISDs. On May 8th the House passed my Prekindergarten bill HB 130 by an overwhelming 106-31 vote on final reading and it is now pending in the Senate Education Committee. The bill creates a voluntary grant program that allows public-private partnerships to provide voluntary full-day quality-enhanced Pre-K for currently eligible students (economically disadvantaged English Language Learners homeless foster military). width=100H1N1 (Swine Flu) Update As of May 15th there have been 556 confirmed cases of H1N1 flu in 40 Texas counties. For the latest updates visit the Department of State Health Services website www.dshs.state.tx.us/swineflu For specific questio ns or to report symptoms call 1-888-777-5320. Energy Star Tax-Free Weekend During the upcoming Memorial Day weekend Texas shoppers will not have to pay state or local taxes on purchases of certain energy efficient products. The tax break applies to the following equipment: air conditioners (priced less than $6000) ceiling fans dehumidifiers dishwashers incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs programmable thermostats refrigerators (priced less than $2000) and washing machines.
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