Says reforms stop unfair insurance industry

Washington D.C. The health reform package offered by the President today responds to the needs of the American people by protecting those who have health insurance providing a path to affordable insurance for those who dont have it or are faced with losing it and puts meaningful controls on health care costs" said DNC Chairman Tim Kaine earlier today upon release of the Presidents latest health insurance reform proposal.
The proposal builds upon existing legislation and includes provisions to cut waste fraud and abuse while making health care more affordable and available. The proposal would set up a Health Insurance Rate Authority to regulate unreasonable rate hikes" Kaine said.
It offers tax credits amounting to the biggest middle class tax cut for health care in our nations history. It would help extend coverage to over 31 million more Americans who are without health insurance" said Kaine.
Every day that passes without real legislation to reform our broken health care system is another day millions of Americans go without much needed coverage or fear a loss of coverage another day employers must make tough decisions to manage sky rocketing health care costs and another day that some insurance

companies will engage in unfair practices and unreasonable rate hikes. Just this month a major health insurer notified California residents of premium increases of nearly forty percent.
We are closer than ever to reforming our broken health care system and the Presidents proposal today is the next big step to arriving at that goal. My hope is that Republicans will now set aside obstruction and partisan games and make a genuine effort to help pass meaningful reform on behalf of the American people" Kaine said.