Praises President Congressional Democrats for Adopting Policies that Have Begun to Turn Economy Around

Washington DC President Obama & Congressional Democrats took bold and swift action to revive an economy that just a year ago was in free-fall and todays news is a sign that these efforts are working. Not only are we seeing growth but we just experienced the fastest single-quarter of growth in six years a tremendous contrast to the dire situation that President Obama faced when he was sworn into office a year ago."
Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine made that and the following statements on news that the economy grew at a rate of 5.7 in the last quarter - the highest rate of GDP growth since 2003 and the second consecutive quarter of economic growth.
By enacting the Recovery Act investing in our nations infrastructure and promoting programs that support working families President Obama and Democrats in Congress have made clear that they understand the struggles facing Americans and will not rest until our economy has turned around.
Though todays news is encouraging we are not yet out of the woods and there is much to be done to create jobs and help strengthen small businesses.
The President and Democrats are committed to making sure that every American who wants to work has the opportunity to get a job and we will

continue to focus on creating jobs helping small businesses succeed and helping middle class families afford the highs costs of energy health care and education.
The Presidents plan to extend a new $5000 tax credit for small businesses that create jobs and to reimburse them for Social Security payroll taxes for wage increases will help small businesses succeed and ensure that small business success is a central focus of our recovery and rebuilding Main Street America" said Kaine in conclusion