DNCs Hispanic Caucus Chair Applauds Presidents Immigration Reform Speech

width=84Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON D.C.  Republicans political calculations can no longer come at the expense of fixing our broken immigration system. Its time Republicans stop kicking the can down the road and step up to face our nations challenges.  Its time for them to join President Obama & Senate Democrats to pass comprehensive immigration reform" said DNC Hispanic Caucus Chairwoman Iris Y. Martinez following President Obamas Thursday speech on comprehensive immigration reform.  
But the Presidents speech is also a reminder that despite the administrations actions and Democrats leadership on this issue Republicans continue to put politics first no Republicans have joined Democrats in their effort to pass reform" said Martinez.  President Obamas speech on immigration reform is a powerful reminder of his administrations commitment & actions toward fixing the broken immigration system through common-sense comprehensive immigration reform one that makes the federal government responsible for border security holds businesses accountable and requires illegal immigrants to admit they broke the law learn English pay taxes & take other steps to get right with the law before getting in line to earn citizenship. Eleven Senate Republicans who voted for comprehensive immigration reform in 2007 are now part of the caucus that is doing everything in its power to stop the Presidents agenda and in their words break the President" Martinez said. The status quo does not work for our immigrants our communities or the economy and it is clear that President Obama cannot reform the immigration system alone. States like Arizona are passing misguided immigration laws illustrating the width=79American peoples frustration with the broken immigration system" she added. Organizing for America-Texas (OFA-TX) State Director Luke Hayes says The Presidents speech highlights our nations urgent need for comprehensive immigration reform. Our current system is broken unfair and failing all Americans and must be dealt with from many angles. The federal government must do more to increase border security; businesses must be held accountable for hiring undocumented workers; and those here illegally must come admit they broke the law pay a fine and get in line to earn citizenship" he said. As President Obama said this morning this is a legal and moral issue our immigration policy must reflect that we are a nation of laws but also a nation of immigrants. Fixing our broken immigration system will not be an easy task but it is the right thing to do for our country" said Hayes. Tim Kaine Democratic National Committee Chairman said following the speech made at the American University School of International Service Americans of both width=136parties agree that our immigration system is broken.  President Obama demonstrated his dedication to fixing that system.  In his speech he laid out a blueprint for comprehensive immigration reform calling for measures to:
  1. Address border security
  2. Hold businesses that break the law by hiring illegal immigrants accountable and
  3. Demand responsibility from people who are living in the United States illegally who must admit they broke the law and pay taxes and a penalty before they can get in line to earn citizenship.  
These are commonsense solutions to our immigration challenges but unfortunately Republicans in Congress even Republicans who voted for immigration reform just a few years ago are refusing so far to work with Democrats to move forward with comprehensive immigration reform.  To fix our immigration system we need bipartisan support.  I urge Republicans to stop playing politics and end their obstructionism on this issue and join with Democrats to do the hard work of overcoming our countrys challenges" Kaine said.
width=84Washington D.C. Tras el discurso del Presidente Obama sobre la reforma integral de la inmigracin la presidenta del Grupo Hispano (Hispanic Caucus) del DNC Iris Y. Martnez emiti las siguientes declaraciones:
El discurso del Presidente Obama sobre la reforma de inmigracin es un fuerte recordatorio del compromiso y las medidas de su gobierno para solucionar los problemas del fallido sistema de inmigracin por medio de una reforma integral de inmigracin de sentido comn que haga al gobierno federal responsable por la seguridad fronteriza que haga que las empresas rindan cuentas por sus actos y requiera que los inmigrantes ilegales admitan que infringieron la ley aprendan ingls paguen sus impuestos y tomen otras medidas para regularizar su situacin antes de ponerse en fila para obtener la ciudadana.
Pero el discurso del Presidente tambin es un recordatorio de que a pesar de las medidas del gobierno y el liderazgo de los demcratas al respecto los republicanos continan dndole prioridad a la poltica: ningn republicano se ha sumado a los demcratas en su esfuerzo por aprobar la reforma. Once senadores republicanos que votaron a favor de la reforma integral de la inmigracin en el 2007 son ahora parte del grupo que est haciendo todo lo posible por detener el plan del Presidente y en sus propias palabras acabar con el Presidente.
Las calculadas movidas polticas de los republicanos ya no pueden ser a costa de la solucin a los problemas de nuestro sistema de inmigracin. Estados como Arizona estn aprobando leyes de inmigracin equivocadas lo que es indicio de la frustracin del pueblo estadounidense con el fallido sistema de inmigracin. El estatus quo no funciona para nuestros inmigrantes nuestras comunidades ni la economa y est claro que el Presidente Obama no puede reformar solo el sistema de inmigracin. Es hora de que los republicanos dejen de postergar el problema y estn dispuestos a hacerles frente a los desafos del pas. Es hora de unirnos al Presidente Obama y los demcratas del Senado para aprobar la reforma integral de la inmigracin".
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