Dog Fighting Wont be Tolerated in Texas

State Representative Charles “Doc” Anderson
Published: 08-06-07

The federal indictment of professional football player Michael Vick has increased public awareness of animal cruelty throughout the country.  Americans across our nation are now learning about the “so-called” sport of dog fighting—a barbaric and inhumane crime that has nothing to do with athletic ability.  The particular crime that Michael Vick is accused of is being prosecuted at the federal level because the illegal activity extended across state lines.

Unfortunately we sometimes see reports of violent acts of cruelty perpetuated on animals right here in Texas.
As a veterinarian I am proud that the laws in our state concerning animal cruelty are becoming tougher.  While the NFL is just now coming to grips with dog fighting amongst it ranks my colleagues in the Texas Legislature already understood the serious nature of this criminal activity and passed important legislation during the 80th Session that significantly strengthens Texas’ animal cruelty laws. 

Beginning on September 1st of this year the provisions of House Bill 2328 will take effect. This new law specifically outlaws someone from causing animals to fight one another.  It also prohibits torturing starving or poisoning animals.  It is common-sense legislation that will not affect livestock animal husbandry and hunting fishing or trapping.

The new law stipulates that any person who knowingly causes cruelty to an animal may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law which now includes a state jail felony and with repeated convictions may rise to the level of a 3rd degree felony.

God gave man dominion over the earth’s animals and we must exercise that power responsibly and humanely.  House Bill 2328 reminds those who might consider engaging in such brutal behavior as dog fighting that senseless acts of animal cruelty will not be tolerated in Texas.

State Representative Charles “Doc” Anderson represents District 56 in the Texas Legislature.  He is a practicing veterinarian.
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