Heartland crowds chant Just Say No to Obamas health care takeover

Back home for the August recess rank-and-file Democratic Members of the House are facing a backlash from their constituents who are already fed up with Washingtons job-killing agenda and dont support Democrats government takeover of health care.
In Texas over the weekend Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) faced an angry reception" according to the
Austin American Statesman.
Doggett D-Austin spoke at the Randalls at Brodie and Slaughter lanes on Saturday.
A video of the event on YouTube shows many in the crowd showed up with signs denouncing President Obamas proposed health care plan."
Witnesses say that when Doggett was asked if he would support the plan even if he found his constituents opposed it Doggett said he would still support the plan. From there the crowd began chanting Just Say No and overwhelmed the congressman as he moved through the crowd and into the parking lot."
According to a
local TV news report a second event on Saturday didnt go much better for Doggett. News 8 in Austin reported:
Congressman Lloyd Doggett D-Austin faced some opposition when he arrived in Bastrop to show his support for a new Bastrop Visitor Center Saturday. While he was talking several protestors were also there speaking out against President Barack Obamas health care plan which Doggett said he supports."

Rep. Doggett is not alone.
Los Angeles Times noted today that Many lawmakers head home for their August recess to face constituents skeptical of Congress overhaul plans. For Democrats in conservative districts this could be a tough sell."
According to polls from
WSJ/NBC News National Public Radio and
Pew more Americans now oppose the Democrats government-run health plan than support it because it will raise costs destroy jobs and put bureaucrats in charge of decisions that only patients and doctors should make.
The same story highlighted new polling data showing the publics lack of support for Democrats plans particularly among well-informed independent voters:
new poll by the Pew Research Center documented both the high level of voter interest and growing reservations about the legislation. Nearly a third of those surveyed said the healthcare debate was the most important story they were following in the news -- far more than the 19 who cited the economy."
But more Americans oppose than favor the proposals before Congress 44 to 38 the poll found. Opinions break sharply along partisan lines. But among independent voters the trends are not encouraging for Obama: Independents who said they have heard a lot about the bills in Congress oppose them by 70 to 27 Pew found."
The American people support real health care reform a plan that reduces costs and expands access

to quality care. The Democrats proposals do neither. Unless Democratic leaders agree to work with Republicans on a bipartisan plan that achieves real reform that Americans are seeking it will be a long hot August for Democrats in Congress.
House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH)
released a new web video recently.