Domestic Violence Legislation Sent to Governor

width=65AUSTIN   The Texas House of Representatives today approved SB 82 by State Senator Jane Nelson R-Flower Mound to raise revenue for domestic violence shelters through probation fees levied on domestic abuse offenders.  The bill now moves to the governors desk. In this tough economy I am worried that we are going to see an escalation in domestic violence which is why this funding is so critically important.  We must support our shelters and domestic violence centers that serve as a lifeline to individuals especially those with children who are trying to escape an abusive situation Senator Nelson said. SB 82 requires that domestic violence offenders as a condition of probation pay a fee of up to $100 to support local services for victims.  This bill is expected to generate an additional $2 to $5 million in funding which is needed to offset a $4.3 million reduction of federal funding under the Victims of Crime Act.  Senator Nelson also authored SB 83 which has been signed into law by Governor Perry.  It grants a hold-harmless provision for survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault who need to terminate their lease early to escape abuse.  She also serves as the Senate sponsor of HB 2066 which elevates the penalty for the act of strangulation from a Class A misdemeanor to a 3rd Degree Felony.  This bill has passed the House and is on the Local & Uncontested Calendar in the Senate on Thursday. According to Texas Council on Family Violence there were 189439 incidents of family violence in Texas in 2007.  Almost 12000 adults and 16000 children receive services from a shelter each year but nearly 20 percent of those seeking services are turned away due to a lack of funding. SENATOR JANE NELSON represents District 12 including portions of Tarrant and Denton Counties.  She is Chairman of the Senate Committee on Health & Human Services.
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