Don Green to Challenge State Rep. Joe Farias (District 118)

by Joe Solis Publisher South Texas Republicans
Published: 01-07-08

Democrat State Representative Joe Farias will be challenged by Republican Don Green in 2008.  Over the past four years two Republicans have not been successful in their attempt to win this seat.   We had a golden opportunity in 2006 but it did not happen.

Why should people care about this state House race in 2008?

Why should we even run a candidate in a district that leans Democrat?  We must give the conservatives and Republicans of District 118 a choice at the ballot box.  They deserve it.  Don Green has stepped up for the challenge.  Don is a man on a mission.  Why?  He wants to serve and lead.  It is in his blood.

On December 23rd 2007 I had an opportunity to visit with Don Green for an interview that lasted well over an hour.  This is his story from my point of view.  Let me make one very radical statement before I begin.  It is my belief that Don Green’s leadership style and manner could be a blueprint for Republican leadership in the near future. 

Two things are clear to me.  Don Green has his heart in the right place.  The man has a real passion for serving and it shows.  Second he will need all the help he can get from our friends in Austin who can open some doors for him.

Don Green attended high school in Amarillo Texas.  He has a B.A. from Waylan Baptist University.  He was born in Webster Texas and he is currently 35 years old. Don is married and he has children.  Don spent 7 years in the Air Force where he learned many of his leadership skills.  He was deployed to Cairo and Somalia where he participated in operation “Restore Hope Mission.”  This was a tremendous experience for him because you have to “grow up real fast.”  He also learned that you have to “work as a team” because “you can’t do it alone.” 

Since you “have to work with others” you must be a “consensus builder” as you manage and lead.  He points out that there can be “bad group consensus” and it takes “moral fiber” to be the one lone voice when you feel the group is not moving in the right direction.

He is a “major accounts manager” with a Fortune 500 company which focuses on “cancer diagnostic testing.”

Current Leadership Position:
In 2004 Don was elected as a board member of the Somerset School Board.  He was recently “cleared” by the Secretary of State and the Attorney General of Texas to run for office in 2008.  He was re-elected in 2007 for another 3 year term.  In 2004 he defeated incumbent Jimmy Casillas.  He won this victory with 70 of the vote even though the incumbent was the board president. His campaign was a classic “Door to Door” campaign.

Sitting on the school board has taught Don that “moral responsibility can’t be taught by schools” because “only parents” can do this.  It is so critical that children learn that they must “do the right thing when no one is looking.”  School members are often involved with “contracts and land purchases.”  Mr. Green made it clear to me “Every kid deserves an opportunity for a better education.”

There was a recent “Rollback election” initiated by the school board  which involved a 17 tax increase.  Six members voted for the increase and Don was the only one to vote against it.  He said it came down to one simple fact.  You “have to listen to people.”  The voters did not want a tax increase.  They wanted the district to “streamline” and “dig as deep as we can” before implementing a tax increase.  There was really no need to ask for a revenue increase.  The effort failed because the mood on the street was against it.  It also reflected an absolute distrust of government.

One final note:  Don Green believes that every “school district” board should have an elected taxpayer advocate. 

Serving in Austin:
If elected in 2008 Don Green let me know that “nothing is off the table.”  He believes too many things in Austin are “set in stone” and you can’t talk about certain items.  He wants to “talk to everybody about solutions and ideas.”  Don believes that you “have to find consensus” because “just because you disagree does not make the other side evil.”  It is critical to him to have a “team consensus leadership style” to “effect change” for progress in Austin.

He believes in the value of “civil discussion in Austin.”  Republicans and Democrats “should not be enemies” in the legislature.    Don also believes that “Mental health funding” must be a major priority.  (Mr. Green’s sister is Autistic.  He mentioned that this community is not a “voting block” and they deserve more support.)

Mr. Green also believes that the state should “continue to fund animal cruelty educational presentations.”  He also believes that the state should “strengthen animal cruelty laws.”  It is a sad “sign of our society” that animals are ongoing victims of cruelty. 

Don decided run for the position of state representative in August of 2007.  I asked him about the two Republicans who have not been successful in their attempts to take this seat from the Democrat party. 

Don believes the district is a “swing district” and that he is going to “work hard” to bring it over to the GOP.  As a result of 2008 being a presidential year “I believe I can win.” 

Leadership Mentor:
Kay Bailey Hutchison is one leader Don Green admires.  He admires her “moral fiber” and her willingness to “stay above” infighting in the party.  Her ability to walk this “tightrope” in the political arena is something he also admires.  Her decision not to run for Governor two years ago “showed patience.”  It was a “smart move” in his opinion.

It is Don’s goal to “leave things better than you found them.”  He believes that “today can be our finest era” and that we should “surround yourself with talented people.”  He mentioned that strong leaders always “recognize their weaknesses.”    I asked Don what makes him different.  First “I never assume I am right” and I am willing to “admit when wrong.”

Don is a “direct” kind of leader who is “open for discussion.”  He is “willing to talk” to every member of the district and members of the legislature. 

Is Don a Conservative?

Absolutely.  He believes in “limited government” and “moral family values.”  Why?  “Citizens should decide what is best for their families.”  Don is the kind of leader who will “stand up and say something is wrong.”  He has “worked with Democrats to get things done” while still maintaining his core values. 

What do you think of State Representative Joe Farias?  (Farias is his general election opponent.)

It is Don’s belief that State Representative Farias is a “nice man” but he is “not a leader.”  Yes he is a “family man” and a “veteran.”  Don has “nothing bad to say” about Joe but he feels he is “not in tune” with the community.  The district needs a strong leader who can represent the district effectively.  It is so clear that Joe is “never going to be that guy.”  Texas Monthly magazine recently called Joe “furniture.”  Why?  He has “done nothing in the last year.”

I asked Don if he thought Democrats would vote for him this year.  Yes they will vote for him because they “know him” and they have “voted for him for school board” in the past.  His school board position for the past 5 years is proof since the district is dominated by Democrat voters.

Non-Profit Work
Mr. Green has done volunteer work for Humane Society of Bexar County.  This is where he met his wife.  His attends the Valley High First Baptist Church.  He is also a supporter of the “Angel Food Ministry.” 

Personal Role Model:
I asked Don about his personal role model.  Mr. Green stated that his father has been his main role model in life.  His father was in the military and he retired from a school district where he was a bus driver.   Don said he “never knew he was poor” when he was growing up. His proud family made him feel happy and fulfilled.  This taught him to “learn to live with less.”  It also taught him that you should not “assume” that you know “where other people are coming from.”

Campaign information:
Mr. Green has raised $4000 from friends and family members.  He believes he will need $400000 to compete effectively.  The last Republican who ran for this position in 2006 raised $650000. Mr. Farias raised $200000.  Don Green has been a precinct chair for a few years.
Final notes from the Joe Solis/South Texas Republicans
Don Green is a new kind of leader in the Republican Party.

He is already a public servant who has a passion for serving.

The voters of district 118 have a conservative choice.

It is Don Green. 

I encourage you to meet and support this young leader.  He represents the future of our party.  The man has a core that is strong and solid.  We need to encourage this new generation who advocate our conservative values.  This race will be a tough one.

That is why Don needs our help.
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