Published: 01-17-08

Today Dr. Rosemary Edwards announces that she has received the endorsement of Bill Crocker Texas National Committeeman for the Republican National Committee. Mr. Crocker said “Dr. Rosemary Edwards will be a tremendous leader for Travis County Republicans. She is organized capable and committed and she will put the county party on the road to excellence.”
Statement from Dr. Rosemary Edwards: “I am honored and humbled to have earned the support of so many prominent Republicans leaders. Mr. Bill Crocker has been a committed leader for this party for years and his support provides further momentum for my campaign. I am committed to providing leadership and to building a strong organization that will effectively support Republican candidates for office. My message is clearly resonating with other key Republican leaders in the county.”
In addition to gaining the support of Mr. Crocker Dr. Edwards has earned the endorsement of over 25 Republican public office holders precinct chairs and former candidates for public office in Travis County. See for details.
Dr. Rosemary Edwards is a candidate for Travis County Republican Party Chair. Rosemary and her husband Richard have been married for 30 years have three adult children and have lived and voted Republican in Travis County for over two decades. Dr. Edwards earned her Ph.D. in Counselor Education/Business Management and M.Ed. in Student Personnel Services from the University of South Carolina; she also holds a B.S. in Psychology and Speech Communications from Murray State University. Dr. Edwards has a long career as an educator and businesswoman and she currently serves as a medical practice consultant. She has an extensive record of involvement in the Republican Party including currently serving as Precinct 327 Chair. Dr. Edwards has worked tirelessly to support Republican candidates in Travis County across the Great State of Texas and at the national level.