Drainage Improvements Continue with Groundbreaking on Pharr-McAllen Lateral

Published: 09-24-07

“Improved drainage in the region will attract business and expand the tax base improving the county’s economic situation and quality of life” said Hidalgo County Judge J.D. Salinas.

The Hidalgo County Board of Directors and Hidalgo County Drainage District No. 1 will break ground at 10 a.m. Monday Sept. 24 on the second of several projects to be financed through the voter-approved $100 million bond issuance.

Summit Contracting Ltd. will begin construction on the Moore Road crossing of the Pharr-McAllen lateral which carries water from the commercial district of southeast McAllen area and outfalls into the U.S. International Boundary and Water Commission’s Main Floodway.  The Pharr-McAllen lateral crosses Moore Road between Jackson and U.S. Hwy 281 in Pharr. The cost of this project is $438278.
The lateral crossing project was engineered by McAllen-based S&B Infrastructure Ltd. The quarter-mile crossing is being upgraded to suppress over road flooding that often occurs at this location. Summit Contracting Ltd. plans to complete the project in about three to four months depending on the weather.

The Moore Road crossing project is part of a larger expansion of the 4-mile Pharr-McAllen lateral. Additional structures will be added where the lateral meets the floodway and the lateral will be widened to accommodate runoff for a 25-year rain event in an urban environment. Currently the ditch is engineered to withstand a 9 ½-year rain event in an agricultural setting. The entire project some parts of which must still be bid out has an estimated cost of $2 million. 

Less than two weeks ago marking the 40th anniversary of Hurricane Beulah officials broke ground on the first drainage bond project — the Alamo Drain Outfall. The Alamo Drain Outfall promises to provide the Alamo-area with increased drainage capacity and will aid in the $7 million expansion of Farm-to-Market Road 907 (Alamo Road) a Texas Department of Transportation project.

Precinct 2 Commissioner Hector “Tito” Palacios remarked at that time that he was excited to see the drainage projects moving forward.

“I don’t want to see the labor pains. I want to see the baby” Palacios said at ceremony.

With the second drainage project following the first by about ten days the commissioner is certainly now seeing progress. Palacios said he will make sure the projects are completed in a timely manner. To make sure the projects move forward at a quick pace each project is being bid out separately. Multiple companies working in tandem allows for quicker completion of the overall system upgrade.

“Improved drainage in the region will attract business and expand the tax base improving the county’s economic situation and quality of life” said Hidalgo County Judge J.D. Salinas.

Hidalgo County leadership is committed to seeing through the construction of the bond projects within the next several years. The laterals the river levee holding ponds and Raymondville Drain will affect economic development in Hidalgo County for years to come. 

What: Pharr-McAllen lateral crossing Groundbreaking Ceremony
When: 10 a.m. Monday Sept. 24 2007
Where: 1800 Villa Real in Pharr

From South Cage: Turn right onto Moore Road and proceed west for ¼ mile. Villa Real Drive is on your left.

From South Jackson Road: Turn left onto Moore Road and  proceed east for approximately 1 mile. Villa Real Drive is on your right.

Contact: Cari Lambrecht
Hidalgo County Public Information Officer
Office: (956) 292-7026
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