Published: 05-16-08
To Cover Veterans’ Cost of College Education
(Washington D.C.) – U.S. Representative Chet Edwards Chairman of the House Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee today supported House passage of a historic new GI Bill for the 21st Century that covers the cost of a college education for U.S. service men and women.
“For the 1.7 million brave men and women who have served in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan this legislation will make a college education a reality not a dream” said Rep. Edwards.
“This new GI Bill for the 21st Century restores the promise of the GI Bill to pay for a full four-year college education for America’s veterans by doubling the current benefit from approximately $9000 per year to $18000 per year. Not only will this strengthen our military it will also allow the heroes of Iraq and Afghanistan to be part of spurring the American economic recovery -- just as the original GI Bill did after World War II.”
Under the new GI Bill service members returning from Iraq or Afghanistan who have served 3 years on active duty would receive benefits to cover the costs of a four-year education up to the level of the most expensive in-state public school along with a stipend for housing books and other expenses. Education benefits would be available to troops who have served at least 3 months of active duty service since September 11 2001 including members of the National Guard and Reserve. Right now veterans’ education benefits cover only about 60 percent of the cost of a public-school education.
The new GI Bill is broadly supported by all major veterans’ organizations including the American Legion the Veterans of Foreign Wars and Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America.
In his first year as Chairman of the House Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee Congressman Edwards authored a historic increase of $11.8 billion in veterans’ health care and benefits the largest increase in veterans funding in the 77-year history of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).