Elizabeth Ames Jones Releases Video Against Increased Federal Government Spending

Jones says we must act now to attack out of control government spending elizabeth-ames-jones6AUSTIN TX - Elizabeth Ames Jones has released a web video addressing the issue of out of control spending in Washington.  This is the first of several web videos to be releasing in the coming weeks.  The video is posted on Ames Jones website: http://www.jonesfortexas.com/multimedia/ as well as via YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtYwsGnFXhg. Commissioner Jones stated I hope this video gives the people of Texas a greater insight into my character and what I intend to do to address the critical issue of ever-expanding government spending. The big spenders in Washington are adding to our national debt on a daily basis and I think it is very important to attack this out of control spending with a new sense of urgency" said Jones. I will attack this reckless spending with the sense of urgency that it deserves. A conservative like you I will put my budget-cutting and tax-cutting skills to work for us all!" Jones said. While serving in the Texas state legislature Commissioner Jones served on the Appropriation Committee and helped deliver the budget that cut actual state spending for the first time since World War II.    By adopting sound conservative principles they were able to close a $10 billion dollar shortfall without raising taxes.   This is the first of several web videos she plans to release. Jones 52 was elected to the Texas Legislature in an upset victory in 2000.  In 2005 she was appointed by Governor Rick Perry to a vacancy on the Texas Railroad Commission and was elected to serve a six-year term in 2006. A noted expert in energy issues her energy commentaries have been published in the Wall Street Journal the Washington Post and other major newspapers. Commissioner Jones helped pass tort reform legislation fought for the protection of private property rights and has been committed to limited government and lower taxes. She is a candidate for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison.
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