AUSTIN - Today Elizabeth Ames Jones issued the following statement in response to President Obamas nationally televised health care press conference held last night.
Based on the minimal amount of information being made to the public I am strongly opposed to the Democrats government run health care plan.
Not only was President Obamas address to the American people last night severely limited in concrete information he failed to adequately address the cost of his dream plan and how we will pay for it.
The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office Director has stated that the proposals would call for increased federal spending on health care in coming years - not decrease as some have claimed.
The current legislation will cost upwards of $1 TRILLION and will undoubtedly be paid for on the backs of small business and hard working Americans. Our fragile economy can not sustain the devastating blow resulting from government takeover of our private health care system.
Rising health care costs are a concern of businesses individuals and families all across Texas. We need reform but government run health care is not the answer; Washington cant even properly manage the existing programs like Medicaid and Medicare. I am committed to working to make health care more market-based more flexible and more affordable.
Texas Railroad Commissioner Elizabeth Ames Jones 52 was elected to the Texas Legislature in a landslide upset victory in 2000. In 2005 she was appointed by Governor Rick Perry to a vacancy on the Texas Railroad Commission and was overwhelmingly elected to serve a six-year term in 2006. Her commentary has been published in the Wall Street Journal the Washington Post and other major newspapers.