EPAs Takeover of Air Quality Permitting Only Undermines Texas Effort

width=65By St. Rep. Ken Paxton This week Governor Perry and other state lawmakers attacked the recent decision by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to take over air quality permitting for up to forty refineries and facilities in Texas.   This effort serves as the latest attempt by the federal government to usurp control over our States authority.   As Governor Perry mentioned in a recent press conference this action undermines Texas successful clean air programs and will cost the state thousands of jobs while growing the federal bureaucracy.  Texas air is significantly cleaner than it was in 2000 even with the population employment and economic growth that Texas has experienced in the last decade.  In fact the Texas clean air program achieved a 22 percent reduction in ozone and a 46 percent decrease in NOx emissions between 2000 and 2008 compared to an eight percent reduction in national ozone levels and a 27 percent reduction in national NOx levels during that same time.  Additionally no county in Texas is in nonattainment for fine particulate matter one of the pollutants with the greatest impact on human health. As Governor Perry points out Texas is a national leader in reducing emissions and known pollutants and advancing renewable energy sources. Our State has width=218successfully balanced the need for environmental improvements with fostering economic growth new investment and job creation.   Texas continues to advance new clean energy technology by using market incentives and stable regulation not costly mandates and taxes.   Imposing unnecessarily stringent regulations will only undermine our States innovative efforts and serve to constrict economic growth.
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