Farney for SBOE Dist. 10 Endorsed by Former Education Secretary

Run-off election April 13th Early Voting runs April 5th 9th marsha-farneyRepublican State Board of Education Candidate Dr. Marsha Farney received the endorsement of Margaret Spellings U.S. Secretary of Education under President George W. Bush.  Said margaret-spellilngSpellings Marsha Farney has the skills and firsthand experience as a public school parent that Texans need on our State Board of Education.  The board has much to gain by her expertise as an educator and her belief in research-based curriculum that meets the needs of all children." Spellings who served as U.S. Secretary of Education from 2005 2009. Said Farney upon learning of the endorsement I am honored to have the endorsement of someone so widely recognized for her dedication to improving public education.  Mrs. Spellings and I share a commitment to strengthening and improving curriculum standards for our children in Texas public schools and making our schools the best they can be.  Spellings joins a growing list of prominent Texas leaders who have endorsed Farney over her April 13th run-off opponent Brian Russell: ·         Senate Finance Committee Chairman Steve Ogden ·         State Representative Dan Gattis ·         Blue Bell Creameries President Emeritus Howard Kruse ·         Texas A&M Board of Regent Jim Schwertner ·         Round Rock Mayor Alan McGraw ·         Georgetown Mayor George Garver and ·         Williamson County Attorney Jana Duty Farney is an educator Georgetown businesswoman and the only public school parent in this race the contrast of which has been a highlighted issue in her run-off election vs. Brian Russell.  She has educational experience at every level of the public school system as a teacher and counselor.  Farney earned her PhD in Curriculum & Instruction from the University of Texas Austin and taught as an adjunct professor at the university level.  Republicans will cast a ballot in the Republican Run-off election on Tuesday April 13th with Early Voting occurring April 5th 9th.  For more information go to www.marshafarney.com.
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