Run-off election April 13th Early Voting runs April 5th 9th

Republican State Board of Education Candidate Dr. Marsha Farney received the endorsement of Margaret Spellings U.S. Secretary of Education under President George W. Bush. Said

Spellings Marsha Farney has the skills and firsthand experience as a public school parent that Texans need on our State Board of Education. The board has much to gain by her expertise as an educator and her belief in research-based curriculum that meets the needs of all children."
Spellings who served as U.S. Secretary of Education from 2005 2009.
Said Farney upon learning of the endorsement I am honored to have the endorsement of someone so widely recognized for her dedication to improving public education. Mrs. Spellings and I share a commitment to strengthening and improving curriculum standards for our children in Texas public schools and making our schools the best they can be.
Spellings joins a growing list of prominent Texas leaders who have endorsed Farney over her April 13th run-off opponent Brian Russell:
· Senate Finance Committee Chairman Steve Ogden
· State Representative Dan Gattis
· Blue Bell Creameries President Emeritus Howard Kruse
· Texas A&M Board of Regent Jim Schwertner
· Round Rock Mayor Alan McGraw
· Georgetown Mayor George Garver and
· Williamson County Attorney Jana Duty
Farney is an educator Georgetown businesswoman and the only public school parent in this race the contrast of which has been a highlighted issue in her run-off election vs. Brian Russell.
She has educational experience at every level of the public school system as a teacher and counselor. Farney earned her PhD in Curriculum & Instruction from the University of Texas Austin and taught as an adjunct professor at the university level.
Republicans will cast a ballot in the Republican Run-off election on Tuesday April 13th with Early Voting occurring April 5th 9th.
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