Farney: SBOE Should Have Sought AG Opinion First - And Should Proceed with Caution

By Dr. Marsha Farney width=71Texas Insider Report: Austin Texas  Last Fridays vote by the State Board of Education to proceed with consideration of funding Charter School facilities using the Permanent School Fund gives me concern for several reasons. The action was contrary to the advice of the Boards financial counsel. Also there is a substantial question whether the action was within the Boards authority a question the Attorney General will need to decide. As there is a reasonable possibility that the Attorney General will conclude the Board lacks such authority I believe it would have been more prudent to first seek that opinion before proceeding." I do applaud the efforts of the Board to be innovative in seeking a solution to this problem. I am a strong supporter of Charter Schools and indeed all public schools. I would recommend we continue to work with the House & Senate Education Committees to find a solution to the facility funding needs of our Charter Schools. If I become a Board member I would intend to work closely with these committees and my Senator and good friend Senate Finance Chairman Steve width=71Ogden to seek a real solution to the issue of Charter School facility financing." If the Attorney General were to conclude that the Board has a role to play in this area I still believe the Board should consider the matter with caution. Our focus should be to take care that 100 of the Permanent School Fund investments are always working to receive the highest investment return for the public school children of Texas. If I am elected I will certainly do everything I can to make that happen."
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