AUSTIN TEXAS--The federal stimulus package promises only speculative and limited gains in the short term but holds many pitfalls for our state.
We are still learning about many of the terrible spending and policy decisions buried in the 1500-plus page stimulus bill. The Texas Public Policy Foundation report released today illustrates just how much damage the stimulus package will have on jobs and the economy.
The stimulus is most offensive because it puts government ahead of taxpayers families and businesses. Click this link to view the report:
Texas recent economic record is unparalleled in the nation. Texas created 393300 jobs over the past two years which is 124300 more jobs than the President and the Congress speculate will come from the first two years of their stimulus package. The purported benefits of the stimulus package are wishful thinking at best.
By keeping taxes low and by relying on proven targeted investments in job growth our businesses and workers in Texas can grow the economy and keep Texas the best state in the nation to live work and raise a family.
Unfortunately the stimulus takes our state and nation down the wrong path in stark contrast to the policies that we know work. The massive increase in federal spending will require higher taxes more debt or both. More spending higher taxes and more debt are the wrong answer to right the economy.
With the stimulus bill the federal government has missed the mark in boosting the economy in the short term with damaging effects on our State and nation."
Rep. Christian is serving his 6th term representing House District 9 which consists of Jasper Nacogdoches Sabine San Augustine and Shelby counties and is President of the Texas Conservative Coalition.