Americans For Prosperity
Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON D.C. Want to know the difference the conservative grassroots movement is making?President Obama his poll numbers down in the dumps because of his big government agenda is now making shrill desperate attacks on Americans for Prosperity and our 1200000 AFP grassroots activists across the nation - folks like you.
Heres what the President said:
Right now all around this country there are groups with harmless-sounding names like Americans for Prosperity who are running millions of dollars of ads against Democratic candidates all across the country. And they dont have to say who exactly the Americans for Prosperity are.
You dont know if its a foreign-controlled corporation. You dont know if its a big oil company or a big bank. You dont know if its an insurance company that wants to see some of the provisions in health reform repealed because its good for their bottom line even if its not good for the American people.
The President and his friends on the Left are back to accusing you and me of being front groups for foreign-controlled corporations or for big banks or a big oil company - how sad and outrageous.
Let President Obama know folks like you are an American for Prosperity!
The President is right about one thing -
Americans for Prosperity is running ads across the nation urging Americans to call their member of Congress to

tell him or her that they better stop supporting big government legislation like the health care takeover cap-and-tax and yet more big bloated spending.
We need your help to continue to fight back against President Obama and his radical agenda. Take heart -- the President is attacking grassroots activists because he knows and the Left knows we are making a crucial difference thats why we need to keep the pressure on.
Commit today to doing your part to make sure our fellow Americans send a powerful message to the President and the rest of Congress on behalf of freedom and prosperity.
Were making a difference. Lets keep up the fight!