U.S. Representative Randy Neugebauer

There is a severe spending problem in Washington. The growth in spending deficits and debt is a result of increased government intervention in our economy and threatens our countrys future.
On Tuesday August 25th both the White House and the Congressional Budget Office will release their updated budget deficit predictions for the 2009 fiscal year that will close at the end of September. No matter whose numbers you look at the budget deficit will be huge.
Early predictions are that the 2009 deficit will top $1.7 trillion dollars compared with last years deficit of $459 billion. The projections for 2010 of a $1.3 trillion deficit are not much better. While the White House may claim that it has shaved $250 billion from its deficit projections this is smoke and mirrors. That money represents additional financial bailout funds that the White House decided werent needed and that it was unlikely Congress would have voted for anyway.
The Administration and Congress cannot continue to fudge" or play" the numbers.
At a time when deficits and debt are rising at a rapid pace and revenue is falling due to the contracted economy the last thing the federal government should be doing is spending more money it doesnt have. If Congress follows President Obamas budget proposal the deficit will never fall below $600 billion. Adding a $1 trillion health care program on top of this budget would make a bad situation even worse.
Maybe its easy for some in Washington to talk in terms of billions and now trillions of dollars but for the rest of us thats real money. If we continue down this path these deficits and debt will cause substantial harm to the economy and job creation. Not to mention the legacy we will leave for our children and gradchildren. Its time Washington starts embracing fiscal discipline and creating real solutions to get our economy back on track.
Military Friendly Schools in the 19th Congressional District
Last week on August 17th I was pleased but not surprised to learn that many of the colleges in the 19th Congressional District were named Military Friendly Schools" by G.I. Jobs. The Military Friendly Schools" list honors the top 15 percent of colleges universities and trade schools that are doing the most to embrace Americas veterans as students. The common bond is their shared priority of recruiting students with military experience.
I would like to congratulate Abilene Christian University Angelo State University Texas Tech University and Texas Tech Health Sciences Center Hardin-Simmons University Wayland Baptist University and Lubbock Christian University for being name Military Friendly Schools."
A full story and detailed list of Military Friendly Schools will be highlighted in the annual Guide to Military Friendly Schools. I would also encourage you to be on the lookout for a new web site found at
www.militaryfriendlyschools.com that will launch in September with interactive tools and search functionality to assist military veterans in choosing schools that best meet their educational needs.
Randys Blog
Today I am officially launching Randys Blog. I have created Randys Blog to allow you a more personal account of what is going on in my office and keep up to date on my travels around the 19th Congressional District. Although it is my intention to post as much as I can members of my staff will also be providing regular updates.
My hope is that my blog will be a useful source of information and a valuable tool to provide the people West Texas and the Big Country greater insight into what is going on in Washington DC. As we continue to debate important issues such as health care and the economy I look forward to keeping you informed and getting your feedback.
Coffees with the Congressman
In order to reach all of my constituents I have also added a coffee in Graham. Please see below for details.
Lubbock Coffee
Tuesday August 25th
3:30 pm 4:30 pm CDT
First United Methodist Church
1411 Broadway Avenue Great Hall
Lubbock TX
Hereford Coffee
Monday August 31st
2:30 pm 3:30 pm CDT
Hereford Community Center Banquet Room
100 Avenue C
Hereford TX
Plainview Coffee
Tuesday September 1st
1:30 pm 2:30 pm CDT
Plainview ISD Education Complex Boardroom
2411 Yonkers
Plainview TX
Big Spring Coffee
Wednesday September 2nd
3:00 pm -4:00 pm CDT
Hall Center for the Arts at Howard College
1001 Birdwell Lane
Big Spring TX
Albany Coffee
Thursday September 3rd
10:30am-11:30am CDT
Aztec Theatre
141 S Main St
Albany TX 76430
Graham Coffee
Friday September 4th
2:30pm- 3:30pm
American Legion
609 Elm St
Graham TX
Constituents interested in attending one of these meetings can visit my website
www.randy.house.gov or call my office toll free at 888-763-1611 for additional details.