Sales Tax Holiday Helps Consumers Save Money on Energy Efficient Appliances

(AUSTIN) Thinking about replacing your old energy-zapping refrigerator or washing machine? The second-annual Energy Star Sales Tax Holiday may be the extra incentive you need.
Consumers who have delayed buying a new energy-efficient air conditioner dishwasher or other major appliance may want to consider making a purchase over Memorial Day weekend when Texans have the opportunity to cash in not once but twice on energy efficient products.
Its a great deal for consumers who will not only save at the register but also at home where theyll see the benefits returned in energy savings on their utility bills" Texas Comptroller Susan Combs said. Texas benefits from conserving energy and natural resources."
During the three-day tax holiday which runs May 2325 Texas shoppers get a break from state and local sales taxes when they purchase certain energy-efficient appliances and other household equipment bearing an Energy Star label. Shoppers can expect to save about $3 million overall in state and local sales taxes during the event which is patterned after the annual Sales Tax Holiday on clothing and shoes in mid-August.
The Energy Star Sales Tax Holiday applies only to the following appliances and household equipment: air conditioners priced less than $6000 refrigerators priced less than $2000 ceiling fans incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs clothes washers dishwashers dehumidifiers and programmable thermostats along with installation and delivery charges for these products.
More information about the tax holiday is available on the Comptrollers Web site at More information about Energy Star products can be found at