Published: 11-25-08
AUSTIN – First Lady Anita Perry today unveiled four public service announcements to raise awareness and encourage donations to the Texas Governor’s Mansion Restoration Fund (TGMRF).
“The fire that damaged our historic Governor’s Mansion nearly stole a piece of history from each and every Texan” Mrs. Perry said. “I know I speak on behalf of all Texans when I give my sincerest thanks to those who helped make these PSAs possible. With the continued help of Texans across the state we can rebuild and restore this Texas treasure to its former grandeur.”
Several Texans and Texas companies donated time and resources to the making of the PSAs which feature George Strait Nolan Ryan LeAnn Rimes and former Gov. Dolph Briscoe. Time Warner Cable which produced three of the spots has donated $3 million worth of air time and will run the campaign on all its channels.
The Texas Cable Association and Texas Association of Broadcasters have secured commitments from their members for airtime and distribution and the Texas Rangers baseball franchise also donated services to the production of the Nolan Ryan spot. KTBC-TV Fox 7 was instrumental in the initial planning phases of production.
The PSA scripts were written by Texan writers Wendy Taylor Kelly Sharp and Brady Dial. Creation and production of the spots were overseen by Carla Click marketing director of the Texas Film Commission.
The Texas Governor’s Mansion was severely damaged by arson on June 8 2008. In July Mrs. Perry founded TGMRF as a private fundraising effort to assist with the restoration of the building.
Final cost projections for the proposed restoration project are being developed and funding is expected to come from both TGMRF and legislative appropriations the State Preservation Board will request in the upcoming legislative session.
To view the PSAs or contribute to the TGMRF please visit