Tuesday March 23 2010 at 2 pm State Representative Dan Flynn announced the designation of Interstate Highway 20 as the Ronald Reagan Memorial Highway. This includes the portion located between the Tarrant-Parker County Line and the eastern municipal boundary of Grand Prairie and between the Dallas-Kaufman County Line and the Texas-Louisiana border.
As President Ronald Reagan once said If youre afraid of the future then get out of the way stand aside. The people of this country are ready to move again.
Ronald Reagan has been noted as the leader to have the highest claim on resolving the Cold War for liberty with a peace through strength doctrine. He was known as Americas Great Communicator and the ideals and resolves articulated by Ronald Reagan helped to bring down the Berlin Wall in the late eighties.
Due to the mobility in the eastern region of Texas Interstate Highway 20 has been an invaluable resource for the citizens of that area since it was first built in 1957. A portion of Interstate Highway 20 in Arlington TX has been designated to honor Ronald Reagan and it is only fitting to continue the tradition.