By Dan Flynn State Representative District 2
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN Texas - The House Floor is vacated for 2010 as there is no Session. But nevertheless my real challenge has been to fight to protect the power grabs from the Obama Pelosi & Reid machine out of Washington and their efforts to expand the federal government infringing upon our 10
th Amendment rights and our individual liberties.
I have been very busy traveling and working to promote our great State and our district. In the March primary I was humbled and honored by the strong support I received by the good folks of House District 2 as my re-election efforts were successful.
Since then Speaker Joe Straus has honored me with several important appointments: I am now a member of the Energy Council and expanded service opportunities on the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) Task Force for Military and Veterans Affairs.
During this interim I have been devoting considerable time and effort as an executive board member of the NCSL and task force member of the American Legislative Exchange Councils. Through these organizations I am able to meet debate and consider how our state policies compare to others and gain insight as to ways to make government more efficient and less of a burden to the tax-payers.
I will continue to participate in special meetings throughout the district and all over the State in an effort to build and expand a conservative majority in the Texas Legislature.
I have spent considerable time working with conservative groups and testifying before the
State Board of Education (SBOE) to assure our Texas students deserve science education not political indoctrination as the new reading materials will promote the phonics-based approach and for the first time in thirty years phonics returns to Texas public schools.
In information provided by SBOE members we are pleased to report that In terms of new science textbooks experts on both sides agree that Texas will

implement world class standards. Some experts" opposed the right of high school students to ask honest questions about research and theories especially those that deal with evolution and global warming."
The new science materials will allow for careful examination and critical thought.
The new standards by the SBOE agree with 85 of the recommendations of social studies experts. Despite a nationwide campaign of lies the only person mentioned more that Thomas Jefferson is George Washington; and the Declaration of Independence authored by Jefferson is required study in all twelve grades.
The Texas Education Agency agrees that the new standards more than doubles the minority representation of any previous SBOE including the increased presence of Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall and civil rights activist Cesar Chavez.
Another important issue SBOE voted to send the Legislature $1.2 Billion in the next 12 months for purchase of textbooks. Sadly certain Editorial Boards have said that the Texas Legislature refuse to appropriate funds for new reading science and social studies textbooks for the children of Texas. For them to make such a claim is simply untrue.
The funding for the books will not be a cost to the Texas taxpayers as the SBOE are stewards of the $22 Billion Permanent School Fund commonly known as the Childrens Textbook Fund. Funding will come from the Capital appreciation of this endowment will allow the SBOE to provide full funding to pay for new textbooks.
The reason the liberals are incensed is because the SBOE conservatives successfully defeated each one of their radical recommendations. Especially when they wanted to continue their funding of decades-old failed experiments in

reading and writing or deny students the right to ask probing questions in science class or to promote a radical ideological agenda that distorts history and opposes American patriotism.
I have just become aware of an experience where I see federal intervention creeping into our election system.
In a recent article in the Washington Post by Jim Fitzgerald a writer for the Associated Press reported that in a court-ordered election resident of one New York town were allowed to flip the lever six times for one candidate - and produced a minority winner.
The unusual election was imposed on Port Chester after a federal judge determined that minorities were being treated unfairly. A system that has been used in other states allows a political minority to gain representation if it organizes behind specific candidates. The Federal Judge went for it and cumulative voting was used for the first time in a New York municipality.
The Judge concluded the current system violates U.S. law by diluting minority votes because in Port Chester trustees had been elected two at a time every two years with conventional at-large voting. Most voters were white and there were always six white trustees even though minorities made up half the population and nearly a quarter of the voters.
The standard remedy was to break a municipality into districts with one district including many from the minority thereby increasing the chances for a candidate backed by the minority group. The Justice Department proposed that solution for Port Chester. But the city of about 30000 objected to districts. It suggested instead a system called cumulative voting.
All six trustees would be elected at once and the voters could apportion their six votes as they wished - all six to one candidate one each to six candidates or any combination.
My concern is simple. The way this election was implemented in Port Chester can be an example for other jurisdictions with similar problems. There has never been a time in the history of our great country where it is more important than ever to get involved.
You have heard me say many times government is run by those that show up" we must show up or we will in up with a government we do not recognize or want.
It remains my pleasure and honor to represent all the people of House District

2. My staff and I continue to welcome your input and your questions. Feel free to contact me: P. O. Box 2910 Austin TX 78768. Email Toll free number 1-800-734-9515.
May God bless you and our great State of Texas.