Legislator will continue support for individuals right to bear arms; plans to introduce bill enhancing punishments for those who commit violence against teachers

Austin State Representative Dan Flynn is taking a stand to defend gun rights and enhance the criminal penalties against those who commit acts of violence against educators.
During my tenure as State Representative for House District 2 I have always supported and jointly authored bills that defend our rights to keep and bear arms stated Flynn. Now given the tragic events in Tyler I will combine my efforts to preserve an individuals right to defend their person with a bill that will enhance the punishment for violent crimes against teachers.
During the 80th and 81st Legislative Sessions Flynn has been a primary co- and joint- author to various pieces of legislation to help Texans retain and strengthen their Second Amendment rights. In 2009 during the 81st Legislative Session Flynn authored
HB 3777 a bill that would create a lifetime concealed handgun license as an optional alternative to the current renewable handgun license.
Flynn co-authored HB 1301 which would protect a persons right to lawfully store their firearm in a locked motor vehicle while parked at their place of employment. In 2007 Flynn co-authored a bill known as the Castle Doctrine. This bill now in effect clearly states that a person has a right to defend their home self and family by use of force or deadly force if necessary.
I am deeply sorry for the senseless killing of this fine teacher in Tyler Flynn commented about last weeks horrific murder of Mr. Todd Henry a special needs teacher at John Tyler High School.
I studied the concept last Session and fully intend to file as soon as possible legislation that would classify teachers in the same regards peace officers in Texas laws regarding homicide. The result would be that the murder of a teacher would be considered capital murder and therefore punishable as a capital felony which is punishable by life in prison without parole or death.