Former Attorney General Ed Meese Endorses Brian Walker

Published: 06-12-08

width=65HENDERSON – Brian Walker is proud to have the support and endorsement of one highest law enforcement officials in the nation. Ed Meese was the US Attorney General during President Ronald Reagan’s Administration. Mr. Meese served as Attorney General from 1985 to 1988. Before his appointment as Attorney General Mr. Meese was Counselor to the President serving as the chief policy advisor.

The following is a message from General Meese.

To the Voters of Texas House District 11
It was an honor and privilege to serve during the administration of President Ronald Reagan as U.S. Attorney General. Working with an inspirational leader like President Reagan taught me the important qualities and characteristics a truly great leader must possess in order to lead. Brian Walker represents the same qualities that successfully revolutionized our country and won us the cold war.

In his short thirty years Brian has shown the highest level of integrity and honor towards his community and country. Mr. Walker emboldens the conservative vision that President Reagan had for our country.  Brian Walker will work tirelessly to ensure that the conservative values important to East Texas are properly represented at the Capitol.  

While our country faces difficult times ahead it is going to take a new crop of leaders to steer us through these uncertain times. It is with young conservative leaders like Brian Walker that we can begin to build a better future for our country. Brian Walker represents a future that will make our country and the State of Texas proud. I wholeheartedly endorse Brian Walker for Texas State Representative.  

Ed Meese

Brian Walker is running for State Representative in House District 11. For more information on Brian’s positions and endorsements please visit his website –

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