Former Member of Child Abuse Prevention Organization Arrested For Child Pornography Possession

Texas Attorney Generals investigators uncover 83 alleged illegal images in home    width=65ANAHUAC A former Houston-area member of Bikers Against Child Abuse has been arrested for possessing child pornography. The arrest follows David Wayne Garveys indictment by a Chambers County grand jury. Garvey 50 faces third-degree felony charges which each carry a 2-10 year prison sentence. The Office of the Attorney Generals Cyber Crimes Units investigation began with a tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. That information indicated that an AOL user attempted to e-mail child pornography to another AOL customer on Sept. 16 2007. The Unit executed a search warrant at Garveys residence in Beach City on May 29 2008. A forensic examination of the computer equipment seized during the search yielded 83 images of child pornography on Garveys computer a CD and in e-mails. While searching Garveys residence investigators found a Bikers Against Child Abuse vest which indicated the defendant was a member of the child abuse prevention group. According to the organizations Web site BACA works to create safe environments for abused children and prevent further abuse. The Cyber Crimes Unit notified BACA which then revoked Garveys membership. Attorney General Abbott has earned a national reputation for aggressively arresting and prosecuting child predators. Since 2003 the Cyber Crimes Unit and Fugitive Unit have arrested more than 1000 predators. Prosecutors also have obtained convictions against more than 90 men on child pornography charges. For more information on Attorney General Abbotts efforts to crack down on sex predators contact the Office of the Attorney General at (800) 252-8011 or visit the agencys Web site at
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