Texas Insider Report
AUSTIN TEXAS With the recent announcement that they will take over air quality permitting for two more Texas facilities the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has infringed upon the rights of the State of Texas our economy & our environmental track record in favor of their own agenda.
Texas has made great environmental gains without imposing stringent regulations or barriers to free enterprise. Our emissions levels are down significantly and we lead the nation in wind-generated electricity.
The EPAs takeover of air quality permits is an arrogant and unnecessary exercise of federal power that proves the federal governments lack of respect for states and private businesses.
We continue to be committed to enacting environmental policies that complement rather than constrict economic growth.
Through the TCCRI Energy & Environment Task Force we are studying our options to resist the federal takeover of the air quality permitting process in Texas. It is imperative that the federal government stop this intrusion and let Texas get back to successfully balancing the dual interests of a strong economy and a clean environment."
Senator Fraser and Representative Hancock are co-chairmen of the TCCRI Energy & Environment Task Force which is working to issue conservative public policy recommendations to the 82nd Texas Legislature.
Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute (TCCRI) is committed to shaping public policy through a principled approach to state government.