Members voting online: What question should Dick Armey ask?
Published: 10-25-07
Published: 10-25-07

Once they decide FreedomWorks Chairman and former U.S. House Majority Leader Dick Armey will produce a video with the winning question and submit it to the CNN/YouTube debate on their behalf.
On Nov. 28 2007 Republican presidential candidates are scheduled to meet in Tampa with CNN’s Anderson Cooper for a YouTube-driven debate. The format allows anyone to submit questions for the candidates and the debate managers will select a few to air during the debate.
FreedomWorks wants the limited government agenda to be a part of the debate in November. In the spirit of this debate format FreedomWorks members will vote online to select the question Dick Armey will ask on behalf of all of our members. Call it a community-driven submission.
Want to know more? Dick Armey has already produced a preview video and you can view it by visiting . That’s also the link to view the questions leave comments and to vote.
Voting is validated by email so that members can only vote once.
The voting ends on October 31st and FreedomWorks and Dick Armey will submit the video with the winning question the following week to YouTube.
The video and full details can be seen at
The video and full details can be seen at
FreedomWorks recruits educates trains and mobilizes ordinary Americans to fight for less government lower taxes and more freedom. Founded in 1984 FreedomWorks has more than 800000 members nationwide. Dick Armey serves as Chairman.