Published: 10-31-07

The issues at hand range from college loans and property tax appraisals to recorded votes and cancer research funds. Because some issues can be quite complex I hope you might find this resource helpful. It is a summary and analysis of each amendment prepared by the Texas Legislative Council.
Click here for the amendment summaries (PDF file)
You should also take every opportunity to vote early this week if you can. Election Day next Tuesday could bring any number of unforeseen circumstances which prevent you from making it to the polls. You can receive information on polling locations and hours in your area by contacting your county elections administrator.
Click here for a listing of county elections administratorsYou should also take every opportunity to vote early this week if you can. Election Day next Tuesday could bring any number of unforeseen circumstances which prevent you from making it to the polls. You can receive information on polling locations and hours in your area by contacting your county elections administrator.
Thank you in advance for paying careful attention to these 16 ballot measures and taking time to cast your vote.
David Dewhurst
Lieutenant Governor
Lieutenant Governor